Friday, May 1, 2015

Support Genius Elon Musk Has Revealed An Amazing Solar-Powered Home Battery; Can become Hank...

Tech Genius Elon Musk Has Unveiled An Amazing Solar-Powered Home Battery; May Be Hank Picies

Elon Musk is the closest is actually real life has to a mad genius scientist who lives in a mountain cavern shaped like a giant skull. Smell is the brain behind pioneering electric some company Tesla Motors, private dish and spaceship company (yes, really) SpaceX, and solar power system provider SolarCity. He's proposed a high-speed inter-city transportation system using vacuum tubes and building a mini-greenhouse on Mars, yet recently sent a rocket inside of space and almost got it to state safely on a floating pad inside of the Atlantic Ocean.

Much like a superhero/villain, Musk spends a lot of his minutes publicly musing on the future of principles, and gears a lot of his work at that end. Last year Tesla Magnetic generators opened all its electric some patents to anyone who wants to use certain technology, and the Musk Foundation establishes solar systems in areas punch by natural disasters. Earlier right away Musk teased his latest save-the-Earth brainchild on Twitter, sending computer journos into frothing madness yet prompting speculation from highly well thought-of sources that Elon Musk would be, in fact , a witch.

For the future to always be good, we need electric transport, solar powered energy and (of course) … sommet. twitter. com/8mwVWukQDL

— Elon Smell (@elonmusk) April 29, 2015

not any will reveal to me the truths of the dark magician Elon Smell, you are a pack of cowards — Alex McKinnon (@mckinnon_a) May well 1, 2015

come brothers, let me away to the heath and record the heretic Elon Musk becoming a witch

— Alex McKinnon (@mckinnon_a) May 1, 2015

In a Seattle press conference earlier today the particular time, Musk revealed exactly what having been on about: Tesla Energy, a scheme to "accelerate the move aside fossil fuels to a sustainable energy future" by "enabling homes, business, yet utilities to store sustainable and sustainable energy to manage power demand". Musk will unveiled the linchpin of that idea — the Powerwall Home Battery, a chargeable lithium-ion battery designed to store electricity created from solar panels, before using regarding energy to power a home or just factory at night.

The Powerwall feels like the cheap and easy energy mix that haunts Gina Rinehart's thoughts at night — it can feed remaining electricity back to the grid, would be wall-mounted for convenience and can render power during blackouts, and it is only between US$3000 and $3500. Smell is planning on rolling out end production in a US$5 billion gigafactory getting built in the Nevada desert, a lot easier on the way. According to Tesla, one domestic-size Powerwall battery is enough "to energy most homes during evening maximum hours, " and for larger holds or businesses numerous batteries may possibly installed together, like giant highly advanced Lego blocks. It also looks like it could unfold into a robot super-soldier, that may be Musk's true endgame here.

Whatever in this press photo is a Decepticon in disguise.

In a classic Bond-villain-spoils-his-genius-plan move, Musk revealed the entire match was being powered by those very batteries, which had stored enough solar that day to power the expensive vacation event, which was held at night. In the dark.

"This entire night has been powered on batteries. This entire night, what you may are experiencing, is stored sun rays. " – Elon Musk

— Tesla Motors (@TeslaMotors) May a single, 2015

Either the Powerwall is an accomplished hitherto-unprecedented product that will spell the ending of the fossil fuel industry to be sure it and make affordable energy a real possibility for millions of people in developing nation's, OR it's a cunning ruse for lethal cyborgs installed in people's houses all over the world as part of Musk's daily quest for world domination. I've regarded I, Robot; I know how this key fact ends, and it ends with 'll Smith kicking robots in the face along with product-placement-tastic limited edition Converse sneakers.

"I love you, little Converse blackjack shoe. You are my rubber boy, report on beautiful canvas son. "

Who is going to save us from Elon Smell?

The Whole Marvel 'Avengers' Franchise Is without a doubt Deeply Indebted To M Dance Shyamalan. Yes, Really.

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Tags: Elon Musk / green energy / Tesla / witches and/or warlockery

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